Teen Writing Group meeting (ages 12–18) (Full)
For ages 12–18 Join fellow aspiring writers in a relaxed and creative setting where you can share your ideas, get feedback and work on your technique. […]
For ages 12–18 Join fellow aspiring writers in a relaxed and creative setting where you can share your ideas, get feedback and work on your technique. […]
Teen Advisory Group (TAG) members provide valuable feedback and share ideas about the Library’s teen programs, services, and collections! TAG brings teens together from all over […]
For ages 12–18 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Meet Children's and Teens' Services Manager Celeste in the Children's Library to get started, and receive your research scavenger […]
For ages 12–18 Join fellow aspiring writers in a relaxed and creative setting where you can share your ideas, get feedback and work on your technique. […]
Teen Advisory Group (TAG) members provide valuable feedback and share ideas about the Library’s teen programs, services, and collections! TAG brings teens together from all over […]
For ages 12–adult “Skye Papers” may be Ajalon’s first novel, but she is an experienced artist: a sonic slam poet, musician, multimedia performer and filmmaker with […]
For ages 12–18 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Join Matt Black, creator of Rock U., for a series of musical quizzes and games to test your musical […]
Through movement, learn simple tools to understand and assert your own boundaries and needs CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. Bodily autonomy is the concept that individuals have […]
For ages 12-18. Led by Paris-based filmmaker and writer Clarence Tokley, the purpose of this club is to allow budding filmmakers the opportunity to produce high […]
For ages 12–18 Teen Night: Movie Night with Clarence Tokley Join us for a movie night! Vote on the contemporary film to you'd like to watch, […]
For ages 12-18. Led by Paris-based filmmaker and writer Clarence Tokley, the purpose of this club is to allow budding filmmakers the opportunity to produce high […]
Teen Advisory Group (TAG) members provide valuable feedback and share ideas about the Library’s teen programs, services, and collections! TAG brings teens together from all over […]
Friends of the Library (50€ – 249€) will receive invitations to unique, donor-only programs.
Folio Society (250€ – 1 999€) supporters will be invited to the annual Book Award ceremony, as well as donor-only programs.
Gutenberg Society (2 000€ – 9 999€) patrons will have the opportunity to host a dinner with an Evenings with an Author sponsored by GRoW @ Annenberg speaker, as well as all the benefits listed above.
Ex Libris Lux Society (10 000€ and above) sponsors will be invited to an annual dinner with Ex Libris Lux donors and Library leadership, as well as all the benefits listed above. They will also be invited to an exclusive cocktail dînatoire with our Gala speaker.
A charitable gift from your estate is simple to implement and is easy to change if you should need to access the assets during your lifetime. If you would like to include a gift to the Library in your will, ask your estate planning attorney to add this suggested wording to your will or living trust. Please make sure to use the Library’s correct legal name appears in all final documents as: The American Library in Paris Inc.
Unrestricted Gift: I give, devise, and bequeath to the American Library in Paris Inc, (insert dollar amount) Dollars* to be used for its general purposes.
Residuary Bequest: I give, devise, and bequeath to the American Library in Paris Inc , (insert percentage amount) percent of the residue of my estate to be used for its general purposes.