New e-books for children and adults
The Library has refreshed its OverDrive e-book collection with 100 new titles you can take with you on vacation. We’ve selected the best in recent fiction and non-fiction (including the titles shortlisted for the 2017 Book Award), and thrown in a few bestsellers from this past year so you have plenty of titles to choose from.
Library members can download any of these e-books by logging onto the catalog and clicking out the OverDrive from the e-Sources page. Be sure to download the OverDrive app to all of your devices so you can by the beach or high up in the mountains — anywhere you’re offline.
The Library has also been granted a free summer trial from TumbleBooks, an e-book platform with content for children of all ages. The selection includes interactive and read-along storybooks, beginning readers, chapter books, graphic novels, and non-fiction. There are also puzzles, games, and math-themed stories to keep young brains busy.
To access the TumbleBooks collection, go to and log on with username alip (password is trial). Trial access will be available to Library members for one month. Let us know what you and your kids think of the platform and the content by email to