(Zoom Tickets Available) Populism in 2024
The American Library in ParisIs populism on the rise or in retreat in the U.S. and Europe?
Is populism on the rise or in retreat in the U.S. and Europe?
Psychoanalyst Jamieson Webster discusses her forthcoming book On Breathing: Care in a Time of Catastrophe.
Journalist Simon Kuper discusses his new memoir, Impossible City: Paris in the Twenty-First Century, with fellow journalist Pamela Druckerman
Journalist Cody Delistraty contemplates our changing understanding of grief in his new book The Grief Cure: Looking for an End to Loss.
Edel Rodriguez discusses his graphic memoir Worm: A Cuban American Odyssey, a coming of age story of a family’s displacement in exile.
Philosopher Miranda Fricker discusses the philosophy of blame and forgiveness.
Timothy Ryback, a scholar of European political history, traces Hitler’s path from fringe fanatic to Führer.
How a humble Paris bookshop became a great literary hub.
Acclaimed writer Lauren Elkin investigates marriage, pregnancy, and Parisian life across decades in Scaffolding.
How Union victory in the American Civil War inspired democratic reforms, revolutions, and emancipation movements in Europe and the Americas.
Professor Seth Kimmel analyzes how the model of a library was used as a tool of Spanish colonialism.
Kaveh Akbar discusses faith, loss, art, and the Iranian-American experience in his first novel, Martyr!
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