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NaNoWriMo Workshop with Noah Weisz (ages 12–18)

Sat 9 November 2024 @ 15 h 00 - 16 h 30

Whether you want to take on the full NaNoWriMo adventure this year or not, come join other teen writers as we celebrate National Novel Writing Month with a special writing-intensive workshop.

Every November, hundreds of thousands of writers worldwide embark on a wild writing challenge known as NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). The goal? To write a full draft of a 50,000-word novel, from start to finish, in one month! Are you ready to give it a try?

Whether you want to take on the full NaNoWriMo adventure this year or not, come join other teen writers as we celebrate National Novel Writing Month with a special writing-intensive workshop. Bring your computer or notebook and your current writing project and buckle your seatbelt, because we’re going to churn out as many words as possible! With both individual and collective word-count goals and fun techniques to motivate ourselves, we’ll support each other as we blast through writer’s block and simply write, write, write. There will also be time to troubleshoot problems you’re having with your writing project and gather advice on getting unstuck. At the end of the workshop, you’ll have a chance to share an excerpt of your writing with the group.

About Noah Weisz: Noah Weisz is a fiction writer and educator with an MFA in Creative Writing and over a decade of experience helping students of all ages unleash the stories they have inside.  Noah’s own writing for children and young adults has been widely published in literary magazines and has won the Sydney Taylor Manuscript Award, the A. Orr Fantasy Award, and the Katherine Paterson Prize for middle-grade fiction, among other honors.  He is also a three-time finalist for the Bath Children’s Novel Award.  Most recently, he has taught undergraduate creative writing workshops at Sciences Po and CEA CAPA; he also teaches creative writing at several middle schools around Paris, to adults through WICE, and to private students of all skill levels. You can find out more about him here.

Important information:

This event is free for Library members, and 15€ per teen for non-members. Advance registration is required. All visitors are expected to familiarize themselves with the Library Policy for Children and the Rules and Code of Conduct so that we can provide a pleasant library environment for all patrons.

Questions about collections and programs for children and teens can be sent to the Library’s Children’s and Teens’ Services Manager, Celeste Rhoads: celeste@americanlibraryinparis.org.


Sat 9 November 2024
15 h 00 min - 16 h 30 min
Event Category:
NaNoWriMo Workshop with Noah Weisz (ages 12–18)
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