Photo by Dominique Nabokov
*Covid-19 Update: This winter, the Library’s Evening with an Author series will continue to meet virtually, via Zoom. These events, which are free and open to the public, require advance sign up. Evenings with an Author programs begin at 19h30 (Central European Time). Please check eLibris or our programs calendar for updates and line-up.
Click here to register for this event!
Join us for an evening of poetry and art

Fiona Sze-Lorrain is one of the rare few English-language poets of our times who works across genres and artistic expressions, as well as more than three languages or cultures. In this reading, she will present poems from her latest collection,
Rain in Plural (Princeton, 2020), and her new translations of contemporary Chinese-language and American poets. She will also discuss the role and aesthetics of poetry beyond language/culture in a seemingly globalized yet politically fragile world, and the relationship between her writing, music, art, and life.
“If ordering the book via the link above, attendees can use the code RAI21 for a 20% discount on the website. This code will expire on 28 February 2021.”
Fiona Sze-Lorrain is a poet, translator, editor, and zheng harpist who writes and translates in English, French, Chinese, and occasionally Spanish. Her latest poetry title out from Princeton is Rain in Plural (2020). Also the author of The Ruined Elegance (2016), a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, and two earlier collections, My Funeral Gondola (2014) and Water the Moon (2010), she has translated more than a dozen books of contemporary Chinese, French, and American poetry. A 2019-20 Abigail R. Cohen Fellow at the Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination, she lives in Paris and co-runs a small independent press, Vif Éditions.
Evenings with an Author are generously sponsored by GRoW @ Annenberg