Membership form for partner schools

Memberships are for a minimum of twelve months and may not be cancelled once activated.

Your membership will not be completed until our Member Services team can validate your affiliation with our partner school. Please complete the form below and include proof of your partner status.

Please email with any questions.

All membership information is for internal use only, and is never sold to, or shared with, a third party. The American Library in Paris values your privacy, and complies with all the GDPR rules currently in effect. Information about your Library account, and the Library’s bi-weekly e-Libris newsletter will be sent by email. You may unsubscribe at any time. / Toutes ces informations sont destinées à un usage interne uniquement et ne sont jamais vendues à, ni partagées avec, des tiers. The American Library in Paris respecte vos données personnelles en conformité avec toutes les règles RGPD en vigueur. Des informations sur votre compte et notre newsletter e-Libris vous seront envoyées par e-mail. Vous pouvez vous désinscrire à tout moment.