Story Hour: Thanksgiving (ages 3–5)
The American Library in Paris3–5 year-olds and their grown-ups are invited to join us for a Story Hour full of facts, fiction, and fun!
3–5 year-olds and their grown-ups are invited to join us for a Story Hour full of facts, fiction, and fun!
Two long-time French residents and culinary experts, Rosa Jackson and Jane Bertch discuss their respective memoirs, Niçoise and The French Ingredient.
Find your voice and craft a compelling college admission essay.
Sing along with popular children's songs and surprise creations.
Create an original artistic creation and meet other teens.
Take a dive into the Library's archives and discover our rich 104-year history during this expert-led presentation.
In this year's season of Critical Conversations, historian and philosopher Justin Smith-Ruiu will lead us through conversations on the history, philosophy, and politics of the internet.
Join Scholar of Note A. Kendra Greene to trace the wondrous journey of Zarafa the Giraffe to Paris and learn about natural history collections at the intersection of science and art.
3–5 year-olds and their grown-ups are invited to join us for a Story Hour full of facts, fiction, and fun!
Whether you want to take on the full NaNoWriMo adventure this year or not, come join other teen writers as we celebrate National Novel Writing Month with a special writing-intensive workshop.
Build a city from recycled materials!
Take a dive into the Library's archives and discover our rich 104-year history during this expert-led presentation.
The Library will be closed from 24 December through 1 January, and will reopen at 10h00 on 2 January. All our e-resources will remain available during this time. A safe and joyous New Year to all!
Friends of the Library (50€ – 249€) will receive invitations to unique, donor-only programs.
Folio Society (250€ – 1 999€) supporters will be invited to the annual Book Award ceremony, as well as donor-only programs.
Gutenberg Society (2 000€ – 9 999€) patrons will have the opportunity to host a dinner with an Evenings with an Author sponsored by GRoW @ Annenberg speaker, as well as all the benefits listed above.
Ex Libris Lux Society (10 000€ and above) sponsors will be invited to an annual dinner with Ex Libris Lux donors and Library leadership, as well as all the benefits listed above. They will also be invited to an exclusive cocktail dînatoire with our Gala speaker.
A charitable gift from your estate is simple to implement and is easy to change if you should need to access the assets during your lifetime. If you would like to include a gift to the Library in your will, ask your estate planning attorney to add this suggested wording to your will or living trust. Please make sure to use the Library’s correct legal name appears in all final documents as: The American Library in Paris Inc.
Unrestricted Gift: I give, devise, and bequeath to the American Library in Paris Inc, (insert dollar amount) Dollars* to be used for its general purposes.
Residuary Bequest: I give, devise, and bequeath to the American Library in Paris Inc , (insert percentage amount) percent of the residue of my estate to be used for its general purposes.