Wireless internet access at The American Library in Paris (ALP) is free of charge for all members and visitors who have purchased Day passes. The Library is equipped with several public PCs for member and visitor use.

All users of the internet service (wireless or through public PCs) are bound by the terms of The American Library in Paris Internet Access policy below.

Internet Access Policy

General Policies

All users are expected to use the Library’s Internet access in a legal and responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which it is provided.

Users of the Library’s internet connection [look at language on other pages] are subject to the French HADOPI law regulating Internet use and the prevention of the exchange of copyrighted material without prior agreement from the copyright holders. The use of the Library’s Internet services to illegally download copyrighted materials without the express permission of the author is strictly prohibited.

Misuse of the Internet access may result in loss of computer privileges, loss of Library privileges, or the loss of internet access for Library members and users as a whole. Misuse includes (but is not limited to): using the network access for any illegal activity, fraud, sending spam, hacking into or damaging library systems, sending harassing messages to others, and violating copyright and software licensing agreements.

The Internet is an unregulated, worldwide environment. It contains information and opinions that range in scope from reliable and authoritative to controversial or extremely offensive. Some information found on the Internet may NOT be accurate, complete, or current. Users are encouraged to exercise critical judgment in evaluating the validity of information accessed via the Internet.

Users should be aware that the Internet is not a secure medium and that third parties may be able to obtain information about users’ activities. The Library assumes no responsibility for the security and privacy of online transactions.

Wireless Access (Wi-Fi)

The American Library in Paris offers wireless internet (Wi-Fi) access for members of the Library with their own personal laptops, tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices.

Using virus protection, spyware protection, a personal firewall, and other measures to protect the information on your device is highly recommended, and is the sole responsibility of the device’s owner.

The Library is not responsible for any information (e.g. banking or credit card) that is compromised, or for any damage caused to your hardware or software such as electric surges, security issues, or consequences caused by viruses or hacking.

As with most public wireless access points, the Library’s wireless connection is not secure. Information being transmitted could potentially be intercepted by another wireless user. We recommend that you do not use this network for the transfer of sensitive data, such as credit card numbers or bank account details, even while using SSL encryption built into your web browser. The Library assumes no responsibility for the security and privacy of on-line transactions, for data transmitted, or loss of information over the wireless network. Please take appropriate precautions when using this service.

You may plug your device into an electrical outlet if one is available. You may be asked to unplug your device if your electrical cord causes a safety, tripping, or fire hazard.

If you need to print or scan a document, please ask for assistance at the Member Services desk.

Limitations and Disclaimers Regarding Wireless Access

The American Library in Paris will not be held responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, to your laptop, tablet, telephone, or other wireless device, occurring as a result of the use of our network or electronic resources. This includes (but is not limited to) damage to device configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the Library’s Wi-Fi network.

Internet speed depends on the time of day, the number of customers using the network, and the types of activity it’s being used for.

Library staff can confirm that the wireless network is functioning properly and give basic assistance. Staff cannot provide technical assistance and no guarantee can be provided that you will be able to make a strong, stable, uninterrupted wireless connection.

Dedicated Workstations

A valid membership card or Day or Week pass is required in order to be able to use one of the Library’s public PCs.

Please ask at the Members Services desk for help with opening a session at one of the public PCs.

You are limited to two hours per day, and you may download content onto your own USB key. The Library cannot provide a USB device for you.

Library staff cannot provide in-depth training on Internet operations or personal computer skills. Staff may, however, be able to offer searching suggestions and answer questions about accessing and using our e-sources such as JSTOR, EBSCO, Ebook Central, World Book, Mango, and OverDrive.

The Library neither censors access to materials nor protects users from information they may find offensive. Library users browse the Internet at their own discretion and are responsible for any websites they reach on the public PCs

Child Safety on the Internet

As with other Library materials, it is the parent or legal guardian of minor children who must assume ultimate responsibility for supervising access to Internet resources in the Library. Parents are encouraged to discuss the use of the Internet with their children in relation to family values and boundaries, and to monitor their children’s use of the Internet.

Reviewed and updated August 2024