Go Green for Earth Day!
Let the Lorax help you introduce your kids to being green, while Lane Smith reminds us just how wonderful nature can be. Scroll down for a few other recommended reads and links to a some great green ideas for children on Earth Day or any day.
Grandpa Green
by Lane Smith
Reviewed by Children’s Library volunteer, Carole Black
Lane Smith’s ingenious illustrations make me long for the simpler life before technology!
Grandpa Green’s hobby is to create a garden full of artfully trimmed topiary trees to provide a living history of his experiences. His grandson relates the story of his life through the topiary trees, with touching references to his dreams, and a sensitivity to his aging grandfather’s memory. When I become a grandmother (before I lose my memory), I look forward to reading this to my grandchildren.
Lane Smith’s Grandpa Green may be found in the Children’s Department in the Easiest Reader Section under ES along with other books he has illustrated for Jon Scieszka including The Stinky Cheese Man and Science Verse, Math Verse, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, The Not So Jolly Roger and James and the Giant Peach to name a few.
How to Help the Earth – by the Lorax
by Tish Rabe. Illustrated by Christopher Moroney and Jan Gerardi
Reviewed by Children’s Library Volunteer Liz Gomes.
In pure Dr. Seuss classic illustrations and wonderful rhymes, the Lorax will show children ways and handy tips on how they can help and save the environment. A great book for children just beginning to read on their own and for parents to help children understand and learn about protecting the earth.
New @ the American Library! You can find How to Help the Earth – by the Lorax in the Children’s Library, I Can Read section under ER, or check out the original Dr. Seuss tale, The Lorax, on the Dr. Seuss shelf in the Children’s Library.
Some other recommended reads that you can pick up at the Library:
- I Love Our Earth, by Bill Martin, Jr., and Michael Sampson (find it with the Easiest Reader Picture Books: EM)
- Celebrating Earth Day, by Janet McDonnell (find it with the Easiest Reader Picture Books: EM)
- Every Day is Earth Day, by Jane O’Connor (Find it with the I Can Read Books: EO)
For some fun Earth day ideas, check out this post. For some info on recycling facts, games and crafts check out the California Department of Conservation site.