Priceless Education on a Budget with Richard Montauk (ages 12–adult)
The American Library in ParisLearn about how to gain an elite education without breaking the bank.
Learn about how to gain an elite education without breaking the bank.
Find out how to evaluate university programs to find the right fit.
Are we in a fourth wave of feminism? How can the current feminist movement be defined, if definition is possible at all? Given the current terrain, what does the future of feminism look like?
The history of data is the history of wielding knowledge as power. In collaboration with Columbia Global Centers | Paris and the Institute for Ideas and Imagination, join historians Matthew Jones and Chris Wiggins to discover how data happened.
Join us for a panel discussion in partnership with A.A.W.E exploring the transition from "maternelle" (pre-school) to "primaire" (primary school).
The University of Chicago Center in Paris hosts a Chicago Book Salon on urban history, artistic practices, and the Parisian streets. Organized in partnership with the American Library in Paris.
What can memoir do for global health? A personal perspective on chronic illness shows the importance of patient voices in the medical field and raises awareness for the international "superbug" crisis.
What is the relationship between migration and writing? When one’s life and legal status have been reduced to written files, what other possibilities for storytelling emerge?
Meeting six of Critical Conversations, an expert-led discussion series. This season: a reflection on how to lead a contemplative, vital, and unmediated life in an ever-faster digital world.
Take a dive into the Library's archives and discover our rich 103-year history during this expert-led presentation.
Isabella Hammad and Yasmine Seale in conversation. A discussion at Reid Hall organized in collaboration with Columbia Global Centers | Paris and the Institute for Ideas and Imagination.
Six women changed science, and were forgotten by history. Uncover the women written out of the Enlightenment with historian Nina Gelbart.
Friends of the Library (50€ – 249€) will receive invitations to unique, donor-only programs.
Folio Society (250€ – 1 999€) supporters will be invited to the annual Book Award ceremony, as well as donor-only programs.
Gutenberg Society (2 000€ – 9 999€) patrons will have the opportunity to host a dinner with an Evenings with an Author sponsored by GRoW @ Annenberg speaker, as well as all the benefits listed above.
Ex Libris Lux Society (10 000€ and above) sponsors will be invited to an annual dinner with Ex Libris Lux donors and Library leadership, as well as all the benefits listed above. They will also be invited to an exclusive cocktail dînatoire with our Gala speaker.
A charitable gift from your estate is simple to implement and is easy to change if you should need to access the assets during your lifetime. If you would like to include a gift to the Library in your will, ask your estate planning attorney to add this suggested wording to your will or living trust. Please make sure to use the Library’s correct legal name appears in all final documents as: The American Library in Paris Inc.
Unrestricted Gift: I give, devise, and bequeath to the American Library in Paris Inc, (insert dollar amount) Dollars* to be used for its general purposes.
Residuary Bequest: I give, devise, and bequeath to the American Library in Paris Inc , (insert percentage amount) percent of the residue of my estate to be used for its general purposes.