American Library in Paris Book Group

Choose Your Own Adventure

Wednesdays, 19h00–20h30 (Waitlist)
Instead of having everyone read the same book each month, the Choose Your Own Adventure book group provides a monthly theme and members choose their own books within the theme. Then, each member will present their chosen book to the group and rate it from 1-5 stars.
This idea was inspired by the Novel Neighbor account on TikTok.
The list of themes is as follows:
  • September: A bestselling book from a previous year
  • October: A creepy, spooky, scary, or witchy book
  • November: A book set in Paris
  • December: A book with a map
  • January: A novella or short story (200 pages or less)
  • February: A book outside of your normal reading genre
  • March: A classic you’ve never read before
  • April: A book by a debut author of color
  • May: A book you’ve been meaning to read for at least 3 years
  • June: A book with chosen or found family
  • July: A retelling of non-European mythology or folklore
  • August: A book you choose just for the cover

Led by Amber Haggerty

Reading List

  • Books are chosen by each member for each book group meeting.

Meeting Dates

  • 4 September
  • 9 October
  • 6 November
  • 4 December