American Library in Paris Visiting Fellows

Announcing the 2024–25 Visiting Fellows

2023–24 Visiting Fellows

In addition to scholarly writing, my time at the library was hugely enriching and productive for the conversations and other opportunities it made possible. I met activists, philosophers, students, library colleagues and others whose conversations continue to revisit and inspire me. I was continuously impressed by what a vibrant centre for cultural events and intercultural conversations the American Library is.

Kate Kirkpatrick, 2022—23 Visiting Fellow

Past Visiting Fellows

“As much as I rely on the Internet, I’m a big fan of going places. As a reporter for The Boston Globe, I learned that there was a lot that could be accomplished on the telephone, on deadline, but that there was always something to be gained just by showing up at an event, bumping into people, observing things, or having unplanned conversations. A Visiting Fellowship at the American Library in Paris was an extraordinary opportunity, prima facie. It was made even more so by all these experiences, many of which I could not have planned. So while I cannot possibly express my gratitude sufficiently to the American Library in Paris, the board and staff, to the de Groots and the de Groot Foundation, I can say that it worked. I’m confident that future Visiting Fellows will have similar unscripted revelations. Who knows what might await. My advice to them would be as follows: Just go.”

Anthony Flint, inaugural Visiting Fellow