Amor Towles’s latest book, The Lincoln Highway, is populated by a vivacious ensemble of misfits cast against the American landscape. When troubled teenager Emmett and his brother Billy make plans to leave their Nebraska farm behind for California, the road ahead quickly presents twists and deviations. Unexpected companions, petty crime, and a youthful spirit of adventure combine to transform a simple road trip into a high-stakes railway pursuit across the country. Along the way, readers meet an exciting cast of complex characters that bring this charming novel to life. Exploring themes of American myth, storytelling, and history, Towles’ Lincoln Highway enlightens and entertains.
Copies of the French translation of The Lincoln Highway will be available for purchase at this event thanks to the generous participation of Librairie Tome 7. This event was organized in collaboration with Editions Fayard.
About the speaker:
Amor Towles is the author of three bestselling novels: Rules of Civility (2011), A Gentleman in Moscow (2016), and The Lincoln Highway (2021). Towles’s works have been translated into over thirty languages. His essays and short stories have been published in the Paris Review, British Vogue, Audible Originals, and Granta.
Important information: The discussion will be available both online and in person. While the conversation will happen in person (Towles will appear in the Reading Room), the Library will stream the conversation on Zoom for a live viewing experience. Both in-person and online attendees will be able to pose questions.
This event requires advance registration.