Staff Directory

Audrey Chapuis

Executive Director

01 53 59 12 60

Audrey brings ​over twenty years of experience in nonprofits and higher education. Before joining the American Library in 2015, she held positions at Widener Library in the Harvard College Library system and the Pritzker Legal Research Center at Northwestern University School of Law, where she managed the Access Services department. She received a Master’s in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2006 and an Executive MBA from HEC Paris in 2022. Audrey is a passionate advocate for digital literacy, intellectual freedom, open access in scholarly publishing, and community building through cultural programming.
When you have possessed a book with mind and spirit, you are enriched. But when you pass it on you are enriched threefold.
Henry Miller

Abigail Altman

Assistant Director

01 53 59 12 60

Abigail is responsible for the Library’s collection, including the selection and acquisition of books, periodicals, and virtual offerings such as EBSCO, JSTOR, and OverDrive. She also oversees Member Services and the Library’s Special Collection and archive.
Human beings can lose their lives in libraries. They ought to be warned.
Saul Bellow

Nathalie Cousin

Head of Finance

01 53 59 12 64

Nathalie is in charge of Administration and Finance.
Le cinéaste pense avec les yeux et les oreilles, le peintre avec les mains. La littérature est un refuge. Elle approfondit la vision du monde.
Jean-Luc Godard

Morgan Wurzburger

Head of Development

01 53 59 12 67

Morgan manages the Library’s fundraising, sponsorships, and donor events.
There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want.
Bill Watterson

Carolyn Lenske Dubol

Head of Communications and Marketing

01 53 59 12 65

Carolyn is responsible for marketing and communications.
The shelf was filled with books that were hard to read, that could devastate and remake one's soul, and that, when they were finished, had a kick like a mule.
Mark Helprin

Celeste Rhoads

Children's & Teens’ Services Manager

01 53 59 12 69

Celeste manages the Library’s activities and collections for children and young adults, and is happy to assist you in navigating the juvenile stacks.
How can I explain to anyone that stories are like air to me, I breathe them in and let them out over and over again.
Jacqueline Woodson

David Gonçalves

Member Services Manager and Librarian—Collections & Reference

01 53 59 12 60

A trained librarian, David manages the Member Services team and assists with the Collection, Reference, and Archives departments.
Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life.
Fernando Pessoa

Laurine Lucie

Assistant Librarian - Children's & Teens' Services

01 53 59 12 69

Laurine assists in the Children’s and Teens’ Services department with programs and the collection.
There are perhaps no days of our childhood we lived so fully as those we believe we left without having lived them, those we spent with a favorite book.
Marcel Proust

Claire Hargreaves

Library Engagement and Book Award Coordinator

01 53 59 12 60

Claire supports the Member Services and Collections departments, curates book displays, and coordinates logistics for the Book Award.
Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can.
Jane Austen

Emma Schumann

Cultural Programs Coordinator

01 53 59 12 66

Emma supports the Programs, Development, and Communications and Marketing teams with event planning, promotion, and logistics.
What will be left of us in this world? Sentences instead of voices, sentences instead of photographs.
Silvina Ocampo

Maisie Fieschi

Development Associate

01 53 59 12 60

Maisie assists the Fundraising department with event support and database expertise.
Light enters a cathedral the way persuasion fills a body.
Carl Phillips

Alfonso Sjogreen

Communications and Marketing Assistant

01 53 59 12 65

Alfonso supports the Communications team with graphic design, videography, photography, and handles A/V for evening events.

Josie Hirsch

Member Services, Intern & Volunteer Coordinator

01 53 59 12 60

Josie supports the Member Services team and coordinates the Library’s internship and volunteer programs.
It is is better to know one book intimately than a hundred superficially.
Donna Tartt

Yoon Park

Member Services Assistant

01 53 59 12 60

Yoon supports the Member Services team.
A novel worth reading is an education of the heart…It’s a creator of inwardness.
Susan Sontag

Ijaaz Kingston

Member Services Assistant

01 53 59 12 60

Ijaaz supports the Member Services team.

Strategic Advisors, Curators, and Docents

John Burnham Schwartz

American Library in Paris Book Award Administrator

01 53 59 12 60

John oversees the Library’s literary prize, which honors a title that best realizes new and intellectually significant ideas about France, the French people, or encounters with French culture.

Rachel Donadio

Curator of Cultural Programs

01 53 59 12 60

Rachel conceptualizes our premier cultural programming.

Mayanne Wright

Archives Docent

01 53 59 12 60

Mayanne leads our History Tours, where attendees learn about the Library’s 104 years of service in Paris.