American Library in Paris Book Group

Mystery Book Group

Thursdays, 10h30–12h00 (Full)

The Mystery Book Group, like Raymond Chandler, believes “murder is serious business.” Book selections are chosen monthly and range from the classics of the genre’s Golden Age to contemporary disturbing and dark crime fiction and non-fiction. We like to discuss works which challenge the boundaries of the mystery novel. Our selections for discussion do not include cozies, nor do we choose books where the crime is solved by a domestic animal.

Led by Maureen Paget and Barbara Grasset 

Reading List

Reading is decided on a monthly basis.

Meeting Dates

  • 12 September
  • 10 October
  • 7 November
  • 12 December
  • 9 January 2025
  • 13 February
  • 13 March
  • 10 April
  • 15 May
  • 12 June