Corporate Sponsorship

Reasons to support the Library

Market your organization to an international, Anglophone, and culturally engaged audience.
The Library has over 5,000 members, a mix of American, French, and global citizens. With over 83,000 visits to the Library each year, sponsorship will allow you to engage with our active and dedicated members.

Align your corporate values with an organization that promotes youth literacy and education.
As the largest English-language lending library on the European continent, the Library hosts over 200 programs for youth and has partnerships with over 50 Paris based schools.

Promote philanthropic goodwill within our community and make a real difference.
The Library receives no government funding, so your sponsorship will make a direct impact on the programs and resources that the Library can offer the community.

Benefits of sponsorship

Corporate sponsorship packages start at 25,000€ and include the following benefits:

Gala table
10 memberships
Logo for one year in all e-Libris newsletters (outreach of 15000 people)
Logo on TV screen
Named as a host of an Evening with an Author reception. Select seats
Private rental of the Library
Private history tour for 30 of your guests
Discounted memberships for all employees and their families

Additional benefits can be found in the Library’s sponsorship brochure.

Tax benefits

France: The American Library in Paris is an organisme d’intérêt général for French tax purposes. Donations are eligible for a tax credit as provided for by French CGI articles 200 and 238 bis.

USA: The American Library in Paris Incorporated is a public charity under IRS section 501(c)(3). Tax I.D. number 98-0000064. All contributions are deductible for U.S. income tax purposes.

For more information about where your contributions go, view the Library’s Annual Report.

Sponsorship opportunities

Young Author Fiction Festival
Fg undefined undefined undefined 5,000 members, z fsyf undefined american, f, rtrcrtacrt global citizens. Undefined undefined 83,000 visits tvt fg undefined undefined sy, sponsorship undefined afg undefined tvt engage undefined active rtrcrtacrt dedicated members.

Digital Resources
Fg fg largest english-language lending undefined undefined fg european continent, fg undefined hosts undefined 200 programs ary undefined rtrcrtacrt undefined partnerships undefined undefined 50 paris based schools

Building the Collection
Fg undefined phase undefined undefined moves u. Fg ram undefined fg fg hfcb undefined. Yar undefined undefined z gfdh undefined. Undefined g undefined undefined tvt yar hufg s

Naming rights for Library rooms, spaces, and events
Fg undefined bchvh undefined fg uf sfh. Undefined undefined undefined rtrcrtacrt fg f undefined rasfn

Librarian Exchange
Fg undefined bchvh undefined fg uf sfh. Undefined undefined undefined rtrcrtacrt fg f undefined rasfn

Exhibits and History Tours
Fg undefined phase undefined undefined moves u. Fg ram undefined fg fg hfcb undefined. Yar undefined undefined z gfdh undefined. Undefined g undefined undefined tvt yar hufg s

Fellowships for writers, authors, and artists
Fg undefined phase undefined undefined moves u. Fg ram undefined fg fg hfcb undefined. Yar undefined undefined z gfdh undefined. Undefined g undefined undefined tvt yar hufg s

Contact us

Morgan Wurzburger
Head of Development
+33 01 53 59 12 67